Wrongful Death

The wrongful death of a loved one is one of the most tragic situations a family can face.

At Lee Law Offices, P.A., we have helped many families deal with the tragedy of the sudden loss of any member of your family. We know about the emotional trauma, the strain on the family and the economic hardship wrongful death causes, and we work hard to help you get through this difficult time.

Unfortunately, fatal accidents occur all too often. We approach every case individually, based on the circumstances and cause of the death. While the tragedy is the same, the cause can change how we approach the case. For example, we will approach car and motorcycle accidents differently than we would construction site injuries or animal attacks.

Whatever the case is, we will take care of the details, so you can start to seek a fair and speedy resolution without the added stress and anxiety that comes from jumping through so many legal hoops.


Building Your Case

A wrongful death case is very similar to a personal injury case, in that we will need to prove that the death occurred as a result of another’s negligence or intent to cause harm.

We will start building your case by conducting a detailed investigation into the circumstances of the accident. This could include everything from interviewing witnesses and doctors to collecting medical histories or workplace accident records.

Once we have all the information we need, we can begin seeking compensation for damages.

There are two sources of recovery for a Carolina wrongful death case:

  • The victim’s estate can bring a case, which includes compensation for conscious pain and suffering, medical expenses, and burial expenses.

  • Family members can bring a claim for loss of love, companionship and affection, lost income, loss of services to the family and other damages.

We Work for You

At Lee Law Offices, P.A., you can work with a wrongful death attorney who will examine the facts of your case and bring together a team of lawyers, paralegals, investigators and other experts to fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

Of course, no monetary value can be placed on the life of a loved one. But it is important to think through the pain of your loss and consult an experienced attorney qualified to help protect your rights and the rights of your family.

If your family is struggling through the pain and confusion of dealing with the loss of a loved one, we offer free appointments to discuss your case.

Fill Out Form For A Free Consultation.

Office Location

Principal Office:

649 Southport Rd, Roebuck, SC 29376

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2229, Spartanburg, SC 29304

See All Locations

Toll Free: 800-887-1965

Phone: 864-577-0977

Fax: 864-577-9661